As a nonprofit organization choosing to participate in Mid-Shore Gives, I agree to the following Terms of Service as outlined below.

I confirm that my organization is, or is fiscally sponsored by, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and that my organization serves Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, and/or Talbot Counties; 

I understand that I am ultimately responsible for the amount of money contributed to my organization during the course of the event;

I understand that Mid-Shore Gives is powered by GiveGab® and that donations must go through the GiveGab® platform to be counted as part of the event;

I understand that standard credit card fees (2.5% + $0.30), plus a GiveGab® processing fee (3.5%) apply to all donations;

I understand that my organization will receive all money that is donated to my organization, less any transaction fees that are not covered by the donor;

I understand that all donations will be disbursed within 5-7 business days via ACH transfer and that it is my organization's responsibility to provide a checking account that is eligible to receive ACH transfers from GiveGab®;

I understand that in the event that a donation is disputed and refunded, the amount of the donation and any transaction fees, plus a $15 dispute fee will be deducted from my organization’s balance;

I understand that as the administrator of my organization's profile, it is my responsibility to authorize and unauthorize administrative capabilities to other individuals within my organization and that GiveGab® will not disclose information about my organization to individuals without appropriate administrative permissions;

I understand that Mid-Shore Gives is a community event to support nonprofit organizations and that any participant that is disruptive will have their profile deleted and will be banned from the event. NO EXCEPTIONS!